Consigning at the Neighborhood League
Consigned merchandise in our Household Shop and Clothing Shop will be for sale at the regular price for 4 weeks. At the end of your contracted selling term you may pick up any unsold items. Items must be picked up ON OR BEFORE the reclaim date on your consignment form or they will become the property of the Neighborhood League and sold at 50% of the original price.
Each shop has a non-refundable consigning fee of $20 per consigning period (mid-August to mid-June).
Consignors receive 60% of the selling price.
Checks are mailed the 1st Wednesday of each month under normal circumstances. Payments are for sales from the previous calendar month. Lost checks will be reissued 90 days after date of issue. If you request a lost check to be reissued before the 90 day period, a bank stop-payment fee will be deducted from your check.
All sales inquiries must be made to our office between the hours of 9:30am and 11:30am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A consignor account number is required when making inquiries regarding the status of consignments. Unsold items may be reclaimed Monday through Saturday in The Neighborhood League Shop and from Monday through Friday in our Clothing Shop.
The shops assume no responsibility for loss due to fire, theft or damage.
Please see the individual shop pages for additional details regarding store and consignment polices.
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