Author-Indexed Speakers' Notes

Arnold, Bruce: "Preserving Genealogical Materials", "Scottish Research"
Arnold, Lee: "Historical Society of Pennsylvania Holdings"
Bartlett, Jim: "Family Finder DNA Service"
Beidler, Jim: "Newspapers and Genealogy"
Brown, Rose: "Resources of the Montgomery County Historical Society"
Cruise-Dixon, Sydnie: "Research Using the Many Genealogy Services of the Church of Latter Day Saints",  "Philadelphia Research: Not for Philadelphia Only"
"Finding the Elusive Ancestor"
General Membership: "Show and Tell with Tips"
Hewlett, Sandi: "English Genealogy"
Hedrick, Susan: "Breaking Down Brick Walls"
Heitman, Jackie: Heritage Makers
Kerchner,Charles F.: "DNA Testing", "Genetic Genealogy"
ws, Ted:"Scandanavian Research"
Lockhart, Keith "Delaware County Records"
Moak, Jefferson: "1940 Census", "Philadelphia Revolutionary Ancestors Research"
Nye, Shelli: "What's New at"
Sharbrough, Beau: "Using Footnote (now Fold3)"
Smith, Jerald: "Land Records and Mapping"
Toole, Marilyn: "Creating Timelines", "Free Books on the Internet, PERSI, and Using RootsWeb", "Identifying People in Old Photos", "Using P.E.R.S.I., and Finding Free Books on the Internet", "Using our Club's Web Page and Using PERSI", "How to Get Started"