"... utilizing trade shows as part of your marketing strategy is the right decision
because study after study has shown... (they're) the least expensive method of
generating potential new leads..."
Scott Clark
The Company Doctor
Philadelphia Business Journal
1 booth & 1/4 page....... $ 935
2 booths & 1/2 page... $1,765
3 booths & full page.... $2,925
4 booths & full page.... $3,375
1 booth w/out ad.......... $ 600
add'l booths w/out ad..... $ 500
1/8 page.....$225...v(2 3/8" x 6 1/8") h(5" x 3")
1/4 page.....$440... (5" x 6 1/8")
1/2 page.....$860...v(6" x 12 3/4") h(10 1/4" x 6 1/8")
full page..$1,650... (10 1/4" x 12 3/4")
spot color...$125
full color...$250
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