Hello We are Teresa (better known as Terrie) and my hubby Kelly, of Lincoln Nebraska. We hope very much to adopt an infant or toddler, of any race, healthy (normal) also very open to a child or twin's with special need's. We also will consider young sibling's. Open adoption most welcome if you wish to keep in contact. Amount of contact can be worked out according to your comfort level. This child will have a stay home mom, we feel that is very important, we are a christian couple both raised in famlies who believe in values, morals and a belief that all children deserve to be loved , to be happy, secure, safe, and also very important to be raised with a sense of who they are, where they come from, pride in thier unique heritage. That they are a delightful child and the right to believe in themselves. We also believe very much in your always knowing that the child you entrusted to us is safe, well taken care of happy, secure, know's they are adopted , who thier birth family is , thru shared letter's, pictures, cards, gifts if you wish, video's. phone calls, maybe they even see you on occassions? We would be thrilled to speak to you about adoption and the entrusting of a very wanted child into our home. Call us at ( 402)-477-3868 collect ask for Terrie Our dear birth parent letter is at, http://www.goecities.com/Heartland/Valley/7910/letter.html e-mail us at Terrie37@aol.com Good luck in whatever you should decide is right for you!
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