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Homes for Sale Index

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An Alternative! Check your options in this 3 BR Twin w-new roof, new HW heater & new windows attractively priced at only $89,700. Call Shirley or Perry at RE-MAX ACTION.


A Room for Everybody! That's what this 5 BR renovated Twin offers. All new windows, new heater wCA, ultranew kit, new parquet flr. A lot of house for a little price. Call Shirley Voelker RE-MAX ACTION.


BANG ! You're off! Low price on this 4 BR, 2 BA Cape sends you flying into home ownership! All new windows, new carpet, fpl & 2-tier deck. Call Shirley or Perry RE-MAX ACTION.

ABINGTON Biddle Estates

Open Sept. 21 Sun 12-2pm, $399,900. 1718 Melmar Rd. 4br Brick Col, 2.5ba, EIK, 3-car gar, patio off famrm. Immed poss. Owner trans. Dir: Huntingdon Pk, R Moreland, R on Melmar. Call Diana G. Roach Wheeler. R. E.


Budget Bonanza! Discover how far your money will go in this adorable Cape w-new 2nd flr MBR suite, fpl & full bsmt. Just how far? Call Shirley or Perry RE-MAX ACTION.


Check out the low price on this 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Single w-EIK, newer DW, cabinets & GD. Hw flrs & bsmt. $113,000 Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759 RE-MAX ACTION.


Col. less than 1yr old, 3/2.5 FR w-FP, neutral decor,full bsmt, located on culde-sac. Asking $184,900. Ask for Jane Healy for appt. Weichert Rltrs, 610-277-6338


Feeling cramped? Not for long in this 6 BR, 2 BA home w-FR, fin bsmt, new kit & garage. Code 3183 Call Perry or Shirley 215-443-2744, RE-MAX ACTION.


-Like new rancher. 2BR, FR, LR w/FP, formal DR, C/A, wood deck. Lg country kit. $114,800 COLDWELL BANKER POQUESSING, 215-659-6200


Little cash needed to purchase this bright & cozy 3Br 1-1/2Ba Ranch in move-in cond. Formal LR/DR, very lge bsmt w-fin. FR. Now $105,900. Century 21 Huntoon 215-572-0300.


New listing. Immac 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Ranch wmaint-free ext. LR w-fpl, new roof, bath, heater, CA, driveway. Part fin bsmt & oversized garage. Only $104,900 CENTURY 21 Huntoon 215-572-0300

ABINGTON, Open Sept. 21

Sun 2 -4, 1212 Old Ford Rd. Ranch, eat in gourmet kit, 2/3br, 2.5ba, LR w/fp, famrm in fin bsmt, unfin attic, porch, patio, 2-car gar. $335,000. Dir: Huntingdon Pk, E on Moredon, R Old Ford Rd. Diana, 215-517-6349. Roach Wheeler, R. E.


Open Sun 1-4, 2021 Roy Ave. Don't miss this terrific 2-sty. Conv to everything! Includes 3 BRs, LR, formal DR, lge kit w-great wood cabinets, bsmt w-oe, garage, covered front porch plus rear patio & deep lot. Asking $129,900 Code 3B443. Dirs: From Old York Rd (Rte 611) in Abington, proceed N past Abington Hospital to R at Roy Ave (McDonalds) CENTURY 21 New Horizons 215-343-8100


Perfect Timing! You just got married & this great 3 BR Ranch just became available! Wooded 250-ft deep yard, new carpet, new roof, new heater & full bsmt. Call Shirley or Perry 215-443-3744 RE-MAX ACTION.


Take a lesson in saving money! Check out this 3 BR Cape w-full 2nd flr MBR suite, new kit, new roof & siding. Call Shirley or Perry 215-443-2744, RE-MAX ACTION.


GROVE AREA. Well maint all-masonry home with 1+ car garage, plus sub-dividable bldg lot. All for only $137,500 TAGUE REAL ESTATE 215-887-4350


Charming 3 BR Cape, AC, gas heat, det garage, well maint landscaping, in great area. $151,900 Shown by appt only. 215-641-1748

AMBLER Open Sun 2-4.

Finest Rowhome at finest location in the Borough. 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA, w-newer oak kit, newer gas heater & C-A, newer replacement windows, prof fin bsmt, w-wet bar. Exc cond for only $99,900. DIR: From Butler Pike S on Bethlehem Pike to R on Church, R on Rosemary, L on Orange to #68. Call Ed Hendel, RE-MAX Services, Inc., 215-641-2951


400 blk Railroad Ave. 3 BRs, 2 full BAs, new roof & heater. $89,900 JOELL REAL ESTATE 215-224-7680


Well maint. Col. neartransp., park, shopping, nicely lands. lot, patio, 3Br, 2-1/2Ba, form. living & diningrm, EIK, FR w-brick FP, gas heat, C/A, gar, sec. system. Asking $179,900. Ask for Ann! Weichert Rltrs, 610-277-6338

ARDLSEY. Open Sun 2-4,

826 Garfield Ave. Spacious Cape with 4-5 BRs, newer roof & heater, new deck off EIK, part fin bsmt. Reduced to $129,900 Dirs: N on Easton, L on Jenkintown, R on Garfield. CENTURY 21 Huntoon 215-572-0300


New Listing! Delightful, large yard surrounds 3 BRs, 1-1/2 BAs maintenance free Ranch w-full, fin bsmt, new roof, windows & carpets. Only $117,500. Call Shirley Voelker, RE-MAX Action, 443-2744


2 story Colonial, needs TLC. $99,500 J.T. Jackson Co, Realtors 215-233-2020


4BR, 1-1/2 BA charming Cape Cod, Methacton area. EIK, new C/A, lge fin bsmt, move-in cond. $142,000 610-539-5192.


Thousands of Government Foreclosed and repossessed properties being liquidated this month! Government financing. Low/no down. Call for local listings! 1-800-338-0020 ext.1299


All stucco ext. Exc. cond. fin. bsmt, huge MBR w/whirpool & skylight. Prof. wallpapered t/o. Brick FP, 2 car side ent. gar. Easy to show. Asking $289,900. Ask for Stan Kim, 610-277-6338 Weichert Realtors.


Drastically reduced! Least expensive in area. Lge 4 BR Colonial wwooded 1+ acre lot, spac kit wsep brkfst rm, hw flrs, 1st flr MBR w-huge closet & whirlpool, much more! $299,000 Also, owner will consider leasing property, $2500 per mo. Call for appt DANELLA REALTY, 610-825-5076.


Lovely 4BR, 2.5BA col on beaut. landscaped setting. Extra-wide turned staircase. Hardwood floors throughout first floor. Fpl betw KIT & FR. 1st flr ofc. Spac rooms. Deck. $299,000 PRUDENTIAL PREFERRED PROPERTIES Bonnie Kroll 215-643-5510


4Br, 3-1/2Ba Col. on picturesque almost an acre lot, FR + office, gar. ingrnd lot, much more. Asking for $264,900. Ask for Jim. Weichert Rltrs 610-277-6338

BLUE BELL. $215,000

Stone 3 BR, 1.5 BA home on lovely street in heart of Blue Bell bordering Wentz Run Park. Huge kit w-fpl, LR w-fpl, FR, plaster walls & hw flrs t/o. Magnificent 1-acre setting. Lge 2-car garage. Bonnie Kroll, 215-643-5510, The Prudential Preferred Properties.


Move right in! 3 BR Twin on cul-de-sac featuring full bsmt, gar, neutral decor t/o, C-A, open patio & convenient location. Reduced! Low $120's. Call Andy Craig, REMAX enterprise, 215-249-1000 or 215-249-8262


Big Friendly Home! 4 BR Colonial is a dream home come true. New white on white kit alone tells the story! Also MBR suite wbath & deck, 1st flr FR plus fin bsmt. Call Shirley or Perry 215-443-2744, RE-MAX ACTION.


"You can afford this?" is what your friends will ask when you grab the unbelievably good deal on this 2 BR single for only $99,900 wfull bsmt & big fenced yard. Call Mitch at 215-393-1158 CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


ers (4 mi) 2-ac wooded lot, custom, expandable, unique home "Love at first sight." Birds winter - spring here. Details 610-520-7943.


Known by its address! One of the most sought-after locations is the setting for this matchless Cape. Cute as a button outside & in. Fenced yard, refin hw flrs, full bsmt & more. In the $150's. Framed by mature naturally elegant landscaping. Call Mitch to learn how affordable it can be 215-393-1158 CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.

DRESHER Open Sun 2-4pm

. 512 Martin Lane . Gorgeous Split with 4 BR, 4-1/2 BA, FamRm, Florida room, extra suite, C-A, garage, cabana & inground pool. $219,900. Limekiln Pike to Martin Lane to 512. Priscilla McDonald, 443-2740 RE-MAX Action


Oreland- 30,000 sq ft lot $49,990 Melrose Park- Why rent? $69,900 Mt. Airy- Row $72,500 Abington- Charm $79,900 Horsham - 2 twnhms from $81,900 Norristown- duplex $83,000 Ambler - New list! $92,900 Elkins Park- Duplex $94,900 Oreland - Ranch $110,000 Hatboro- new syst $124,500 Wyndmoor- Renov $128,900 Oreland- New list! $129,900 Oreland- Lge yard $132,500 Abington- Mint cond $139,900 North Hills - New! $139,900 Wyndmoor- duplex $154,900 Oreland - new const $164,900 Oreland- Contemp $219,900 Glenside- New kit $179,900 Glenside- 4BR, 3-1/2BA $224,900 Erdenheim- stone Col $249,900 Glenside- Please visit $299,900 Call on our Commercial Listings DAN HELWIG, INC. 215-233-5000 visit our web site:


10yo 4br, 2.5ba Col. Famrm, 2 stone f/p, in-ground heated pool, full bsmt. $205,000. James B. Beerer Realtor, 610-279-0200.


Upper Dublin Twp. Small, gracious Ranch w-view of country club. Handicapped accessible. 3 BRs, 2 BAs, 2-car garage, fpl, CA. $225,000 NANCY KEELEY REALTORS, 215-233-3434.


Twp. 2 BR, 2 BA 1st flr end unit in Valley Glen. Like-new cond. Ideal loc. Immed poss. $112,000 TAGUE REAL ESTATE 215-887-4350


Charming 2 sty Col on lg lot. 3br, 1.5ba, ca, Lr w/frpl. Sale by owner. Many dec extras. Priced to sell. 215-635-6811.


All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial state, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised herein are available on an equal opportunity basis.

ERDENHEIM Open Sun 2-4

. 803 Harston Lane . $159,900. Immac move-in cond. Conv 1 flr living, 2 frpls, E-I-Kit, sep office/studio, 4 BRs, 2 BAs, bright sunny rooms, beautiful grounds. Roach Wheeler, Jill Verbin, 215-887-0400


Open Sun. 12-2pm. 27 Brookside Rd. 3-BR, 1-B brick ranch w/full bsmt, on culde-sac St. & parklike yd. Appliances included. $115,000 Leis & Leis 233-3950


$190's. Lots of home for the money! 4 BR, 2-1/2 BA Colonial, FR, garage, deck, bsmt. Call McCARTHY REALTORS, 215-887-2100.


For sale by owner. LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! Charming, single, 2-sty brick house on West College Ave. Lge rear yard borders 100-acre estate. 3 BRs, gas fpl, garage, rear patio, gas heat & cooking, CAC, new roof. $169,000 Call 215-233-1663 for appt.


New list! 3 BRs, 1-1/2 BAs, EIK, det garage, attic storage. $149,000 RICHARD J BELL, REALTOR, 215-233-1425.


. Spac. 4-BR, 2 1/2 B split level. Fam-rm. Enclosed porch & more. Just reduced $169,900. Leis&Leis 215-233-3950


Government homes. Save up to 50% or more on repossessed homes. Little/no down payment. Bad credit OK. Call now 800-6909073 (SCA Network)


PROPERTIES Throughout Montco & Bucks County All styles and sizes Priced from $79,000 up Special financing avail. Owners or investors welcome Contact Anne Konowal Prudential Redd Assoc. 215-886-1200 x 117


Weichert B.R. Hotline. Attention! Lovely 3 BR, fenced yard, trees. Low down payment! Call Weichert B.R. Hotline recorded message 215-517-1700.


5 BR, 3-1/2 BA Colonial, lge yard. $289,000 215-542-1370


4 BR stone Twin, encl porch, lge yard, big closets. Nr train. $131,500 215-542-1370


Custom Built Home. $295,000 4 BR Colonial in tip-top shape. Fin bsmt, stone fpl, country kit, enclosed porch, 2-car garage, heated 36x26 2-bay bldg. Call Matt at 215-393-1148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Very affordable. $94,500 3 BR townhome in small development. Full bsmt, 1-yr Buyer Warranty. Oil heat, treed yard, culde-sac street. Call Matt 215-393-1148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Affordable 4 BR Cape, freshly painted int, full bsmt, appliances, front porch. $97,500 McDERMOTT REAL ESTATE, 215-884-8403.


Charming 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Dutch Colonial. Front porch, double lot, hw flrs, bright EIK, deck & more! sale by owner $142,500. 215-576-1243


Triplex w-store front. $150's. McCARTHY REALTORS 215-887-2100


Club Med in your own backyard. Unique 3 BR split w/2 new baths, Anderson wind., new roof, marble fpl, natural woodwork & flrs., 1 car gar., inground heated pool w/jacuzzi yard heavily shrubbed & fenced. Extras galore! Conv. location. Sale by owner. $171,500. 215-885-1688


Sun 2-4. 718 Hillcrest . 2 BR top cond Cape, brk frpl, C-A, hwd flrs, exit E-I-Kit, bsmt, pastoral conv byway. $122,800. Frm Jnktn Rd, N Easton r/e Pleasant, l/n H'crest. Carol Mallen, 215-641-2544 REMAX Servs


Just Reduced! Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA, 2-sty home, fpl, sunporch, new kit, updated elec, full bsmt, garage. $120's McDermott Real Estate 215-884-8403


Just Reduced! 2 BR, 1-1/2 BA brick twnhs. W/D, refrig, AC, attic, new roof. Low fee. Make offer! Poss Lease/Purchase. $70's McDermott Real Estate 215-884-8403


Just reduced! Exquisite custom Colonial on x-lge lot, 6 BRs, 3-1/2 BAs, many extras incl. $279,500 TAGUE REAL ESTATE 215-887-4350


More Room to Roam. Classic porch front 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Twin. New E-IKitchen, rear yard, full bsmt. RE-MAX Premier 396-4600 for direct service call Pat Wise Strehle 396-4612


New listing! Roberts Ave turn-of-the-century custom Colonial in beautiful condition, 5+ BRs, den, game rm. $279,000 TAGUE REAL ESTATE, 215-887-4350.


Open Sunday 2-4 335 Lismore Ave. The affordable dream! Just listed! Bright & cheery 4 BR, 2-1/2 BA Colonial, LR w-fpl, formal DR, new kit, stairs to attic storage, full bsmt, FR, garage, fenced yard. All this for $169,900 106 Woodland Ave. Move right into this 2 BR, 1-1/2 BA Townhouse with upgraded kit & bath, LR w-sliding doors to patio, 2nd flr laundry, AC. Close to all conveniences. $94,900 CENTURY 21 Gerhard 215-885-1000

GLENSIDE. Open Sun 2-4,

728 Castlewood Rd. Updated Classic Colonial w-3 BRs, 1-1/2 BAs, 21x15 FR in bsmt, brkfst rm off kit, garage. New: roof, windows, heater & wiring. $159,900 Dirs: S on Easton, R on Pleasant, to R on Castlewood. CENTURY 21 Huntoon, 215-572-0300.

GLENSIDE. Open Sun 2-4,

650 Brooke Rd, B-15. Buy instead of rent! Beaut 3 BR, 2 BA condo in great loc! Plenty of room & storage area. $6000 total cash to buy. $74,900 Dirs: From Mt Carmel, S on Limekiln, R on Brooke. CENTURY 21 Huntoon 215-572-0300

GLENSIDE. Open Sun 2-4,

2104 Jenkintown Rd. Lovely corner lot, 3 BRs, remodeled kit, excel cond. Only $124,900 Dirs: 1/2 mile east of Easton Rd. Call Dave Curry 215-443-3393, RE-MAX ACTION.

GLENSIDE. Open Thurs,

9/18, 5:30-8:00pm. 342 S. Limekiln Pk. Well-kept Twin w-3 BRs, 1-1/2 BAs, wraparound porch, mod EIK w-nice cabinets, hw flrs, newer heater, bsmt, garage. $102,900 Dirs: From Mt Carmel, S on Limekiln to property on right. CENTURY 21 Huntoon 215-659-5250.


Roomy 3+ BR, new kit & BA, den, full bsmt, screened porch. $116,500 McDermott Real Estate 215-884-8403


Spotless, bright 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Twin, lge rooms, bsmt, full attic, garage, 1st flr laundry, front porch. $104,900 McDermott Real Estate 215-884-8403


Well kept C Split w-lge rooms, CA, 3 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs, intimate yard. This house provides above average value at $157,900 H.J. BYTHROW, "The Real Estate Man," 215-887-9220.


1br, LR, ba, kit, laundry rm, priv parking & ent., yard. $550 plus elec. 215-885-5359.


CLOSED HOMES for pennies on the $1. Delinquent Tax, Repo's REO's. Your area. Toll free 1-800-218-9000 ext. H-5139 for current listings.


CLOSED HOMES. Pennies on the $1. Repo's, VA, HUD, Sheriff sales. No money down tovernment loans available now. Local listings. Toll free 1-800-669-2292 ext. ll-4000.


Stately brick col. on 1.8 acre lot, MBR + add'n bdrms. FR, 2car gar., bsmt. Brick patio, C/A. Mint Cond. Asking $279,900. Weichert Rltrs 610-277-6338


$399,000 Impeccable custom French Colonial on over 2 acres in heart of Gwynedd Valley. White ash hw flrs, gas fpl, marble baths. Calif-style pickled pine kit w-ceramic tile & brkfst area,. Lovely MBR wdressing area, skylight & his/hers huge closets. Extremely neutral. Sprinkler sys, invisible fence. Immed poss. Bonnie Kroll, 215-643-5510, The Prudential Preferred Properties.


Center of town. Colonial featuring LR, DR, kit, FR w-gas stove, 3 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs, part fin bsmt, 2-car det garage, inground pool & cabana. Very clean & well cared for interior. $154,000 MILLER & CORNELL, 215-675-1627.

HATBORO. Open Sun 1-4,

407 Bensal Rd. 3 BR, 2 BA Cape in move-in cond w-lge newer EIK & low maintenance. A must visit home! Only $133,800 Dirs: N on 263, R on Warminster, R on Tanner, R on Bensal. CENTURY 21 Huntoon, 215-659-5250


New Construction. $139,400 3 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs , full bsmt, 1-car garage, CA, backs up to trees. Call Matt at 215-393-1148 or Marti at 215-393-1141, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Well stated elegance! Dramatic foyer, hw flrs, raised brick hearth fpl in x-lge FR, lge open kit, 3/4 acre tucked-away lot. Many amenities in this lovely Sal Lapio Colonial (close to 3000 sq ft). Under $200,000 Call 215-393-1158, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Ready to move in! $111,000 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Twin, new neutral paint & carpet, 1-car garage, full bsmt., corner lot. Buyer 1-yr warranty . Call Matt 215-393-1148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Absolutely, positively - the best buy in the $160's. Don't miss any of the 2000 sq ft of this well laid out Colonial w-remodeled kit, lge fenced yard, cul-de-sac location, x-lge FR & much more. Call Mitch for tour at 215-393-1158, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


All new carpets, spacious rooms, deck w-hot tube, lovely yard. Now call me for an appt to experience the rest of this 3 BR, 1-1./2 BA Twin w-woodburning stove, recess lighting & more. Just $134,900 Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759, RE-MAX ACTION.


Anything's possible! First home ownership is very possible in this 2 BR, 1-1/2 BA townhouse. Upgraded w-new carpets, fpl, freshly painted, brick patio. Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759. RE-MAX ACTION.


A Stupendous Starter Sensation! Check out this gorgeous 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Twin w-vaulted ceilings, fpl & garage. Move-in cond, CA & brick patio. Hard to believe price of $128,000 Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759, REMAX ACTION.


A win-win situation! $117,000 Can't lose on value in this 3 BR, 1-1/2 BA Twin. Hw flrs, EIK, fin bsmt, nice yard, new carpets & exc cond. Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759, RE-MAX ACTION.

HORSHAM. "Camelot"

From $259,900 Custom homes by SAL PAONE. Lovely setting. Create your dream home! WHITEMARSH. "The Reserve" From $289,900 Custom homes "Built Solid" by SAL PAONE. Beautiful lots. Many plans to choose from. FREE designer service. UPPER DUBLIN. "The E nclave" Open daily 12-5. Townhomes "Built Solid" by SAL PAONE from $169,900 Bsmt & garage standard. Dirs: W on Rte 63, L on Rte 152 (Limekiln Pk) 1/2 mile to site.


Gimme one good reason to keep renting when you can buy this 2 BR condo for only $79,900 Good loc & immac cond. As an added bonus, washer, dryer & refrig are incl. Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759, REMAX ACTION.


Need real value! How about 3 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs, bsmt w-oe, FR w-fpl, garage for only $129,900 Compare this end-unit townhouse to other townhouses & singles. Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759, RE-MAX ACTION.

HORSHAM. Open Sun 1-4.

Fabulous custom Colonial in "Camelot" by SAL PAONE. 7 mos NEW, 4 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs (super bath in MBR,) spectacular kit, hw flrs & LOTS MORE! REDUCED! $319,900 Dirs: Rte 63 West, R on Limekiln Pk, R on Babylon Rd, R on Burgdorf Dr to #869. S. PAONE REALTY, INC. 215-542-1770


1006 Hemlock Place. Open Sun. 1-3pm. Bright, Modern twin on cul de sac. 3BR, 2 full BA, c/a, fplc., sec. sys. 1 yr. home warranty. $114,900 Call for details. 215-355-7100 Stahl-Campbell, Realtors


Sun 2-4, 600 Harper Ave . Priced to sell! Custom Colonial, formal LR w-fpl, 3 BRs, 1-1/2 BAs, 2-car garage, prof office possibilities. $139,900 Dirs: S on York Rd, to Harper Ave. TAGUE REAL ESTATE, 215-887-4350.


Boro Open Sun, 12-2. 413 Florence Ave. Enchanting! Perf. starter home. Close to schools/trans. $119,900. Roach-Wheeler Realtors, 215-887-0400


4Br, Center Hall Col. FP, a lot of home for the money. Asking $157,000. Call for appt. Roach Wheeler Rltrs, 215-887- 0400.


2-4, 301 Rodman Ave. 4 BR, 2-1/2 BA Colonial in the Boro. LR w-fpl, FR, brkfst nook, rear deck, fenced yard, 2-car garage. $174,900 Dirs: N on 611, L on West, R on Walnut, L on Rodman. CENTURY 21 Huntoon, 215-572-0300.


2-4. 778 Baeder. Top cond, stately, 3 BR, 2-1/2 sty, Ctr Hall Col nr train/shops; hwd flrs, frpl, lge rms, 2-1/2 BAs, exit bsmt, 2 c gar, $179,800. Frm York Rd, W Baeder at Noble RR Sta. Carol Mallen, 641-2544 RE-MAX Servs,


3 BR, 1 1/2 BA townhouse, fin bsmt w/bar + garage. $105,000 Call 610-272-9489


All owners & investors started somewhere! You can start here! Best buy in development on a newer duplex. Live in one & rent the other. Enjoy having a tenant paying 1/2 of your mortgage this time! Only $119,900 Call 215-393-1158, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Cheaper than renting! Only $63,900 to $64,900 2 BR homes offering lge main BRs. EIK w-glass sliders to lighted balconies, all gas heat & CA, incl garages & bsmts, lge LRs, all neutral decor & bordered by a stream & wooded areas. A great buy w-a great view. Easy living. Call Mitch at 215-393-1158 CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Sun 1-4pm! 407 Country Club Dr. Immaculate (Pine Crest Townhome) 2 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs, great room w-frpl, loads of extras & upgrades plus buyers 1 yr home warranty. $159,900. AAA resicom rated. Dir: Horsham Rd to North on 202 to left on Country Club (entrance of Pine Crest) Call Judi Wolfson 441-4710 ext 234 or direct 441-4663

LANSDALE townhome

for sale, 3 BR, 2-1/2 ba., gar., 2200 sq.ft. end unit. Gorgeous. $180,000 215-368-1227.

LEDERACH, Lower Salford

Twp. Spectacular California Contemporary on 4 wooded acres. 6 BRs, 3 BAs, over 4100 sq ft living area. 20x40 pool. Views of nature from every room. $375,000 Call Dottie for details. REALTY EXECUTIVES 610-584-3000 ext 109


Sun 1-4, 116 Berger Rd. No Fee plus low cash financing make this 3 BR Townhome affordable. Stop by to preview this one. $108,900 Dirs: 73W, R on 29, R on Zieglerville, R on Goshen, L on Berger. CENTURY 21 Marie Miller & Associates, 215-641-9500.


$795,000 Exquisite cust. comtemp on magnif. 2ac setting. Gourmet grnhse kit, exposed stone walls, marble bths; exercise rm, vault cath ceil., bright & airy w-cust windows t/o. Enjoy nature at its best fromthe balcony off the bedroom, tiered decks & wandering paths. Prudential Preferred Prop 215-643-1212


$315,000 Custom "Newport" end unit in Gwynedd Hunt. Fabulous view off deck of beaut landscaped rear wooded yard. 1st flr MBR suite incl MBA w-Jacuzzi. FR watrium door to brick courtyard. 3 BRs, 2.5 BAs, loft, 2-car garage. Elegant upgrades t/o. Bonnie Kroll, 215-643-5510, The Prudential Preferred Properties.


$1,500,000 Converted Ushaped stone stable on legendary estate of Meadow Farm on 4+ac. surrounded by 22 ac of perm. conservancy. MBR (1500sf) feat. 24' cath ceil, pvt stone patio w/pvt staircase, FP, 2Ba. This spectacular home w-truly unique floorplan offers highest standards for gracious living & formal entertaining. The Prudential Preferred Prop. 215-643-1212


$12,000,000 Magnificent custom 5 BR, 3-1/2 BA stone farmhouse built by John Lutter & loc in Gwynedd Valley. Home features detailed woodwork t/o incl 8" base- boards, hw flrs, spectacular entr foyer w-turned staircase. 4 fpls, 4-zone heat & AC. Beaut 1st flr game rm, 1st flr pvt office, guest suite w-pvt back staircase as well as 3rd flr bonus room ready to finish. Bonnie Kroll, 215-643-5510, The Prudential Preferred Properties.


Just reduced $179,000. 4Br, 2-1/2 Ba, FR w-FP, full bsmt, 2 car gar., newer roof & heater. Ask for Ann Camper. Weichert Rltrs, 610-277-6338


$164,900 3 BR townhome in new cond. 1-car garage, dramatic vaulted Great Room wfpl, 2nd flr laundry, fin bsmt woe. Call Matt 215-393-1148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Sun 1-4, 111 McKean Court. Looks & feels new! Totally renovated Montgomery Glen end unit. Fresh paint, new carpets, part fin bsmt. Great loc. At $105,900 it won't last. Code 3B414. Dirs: W on 463 (Horsham Rd), R on Montgomery Glen Dr, L on McKean. CENTURY 21 New Horizons 215-343-8100

NE Phila.

- 3BR, 1 1/2 BA, re-modeled home on 900 BK Brill St., back deck & ft. porch. Brand new carpets, washer dryer, refridg. & range. Replacement windows, newer roof, best buy in the city! $49,900. FHA & VA buyers welcome! By appt. only. Call Carol 215-698-7672


"Brittany Crossing Farms" from $229,900 Traditional style 4 BR, 2-1/2 BA new homes by Fricker Corp. Min 2-acre lots w-gas heat & CA. Public sewer, side entry garages. Samples open weekends. Call Matt at 215-393-1148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


DUBLIN. Ranch home, priced at $69,900 Needs TLC. 3 BRs, bsmt, yard. McCARTHY REALTORS, 215-887-2100.


A kiss of class! Embrace the high standard of living in this choice, 3600 sq ft. Colonial. Conv to "Merck". Ambience of success awaits you for only $271,900 Call Mitch for a tour at 215-393-1158, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Gwynedd Pointe Twnhm 3 BR, 2.5 BA former Sample w-gar, fin bsmt, alarm & loads of upgrades. Barely lived in, Shows like new! $140's. RE-MAX Services, Inc., 215-641-6295


Magnif expanded David Cutler built Avon Model on Prem lot in Miontgomery Ridge. Dramatic 2 sty HW ent foyer. Dbl door to 1st flr rm stone FP & vault ceil. w/skyl in FR, lg. ctr Isl kit. wbrkfst & bay window, bsmt exit, many upgrades. Easy to show! Asking $234,900. Ask for Stan Kim Weichert Realtors, 610-277-6338

ORELAND Open Sun 1-4.

Stone front 4 BR, 2 BA Cape with new roof, windows, carpets & newer kitchen. $139,800. Church Rd to Green Valley, Left on Bridle to 1902 Scott. Shirley Voelker, REMAX Action, 443-2744


Sparango Colonial with in INGROUND POOL. Cul-de-sac loc. 4 BRs, 2.5 BAs, lge FR w-view of patio & pool, eat-in sizedkit, 2-car garage. $190,000 NANCY KEELEY REALTORS, 215-233-3434 .


4 BR, 2 BA stone-front Cape w/CAC, new roof. $147,500 215-402-0807


Almostnew Townhome includes 3 BRs, LR, DR, EIK, full bsmt, neutral colors t/o. FHA, VA & Farmers Home Mtges ok. $99,900 Christopher Day Real Estate Inc 215-230-3580

PLYMOUTH, Stone Col.

3br w/famrm, f/p, 2-car gar in Curren Terrace. $169,000. James B. Beerer, Realtor, 610-279-0200.


- Historic 3 BR. w/ wd, CA, DW, GD, deck, hrdwd. flrs., frpl., lg. garden, 1 yr. home warr. $57,500. 215-334-3333

ROCKLEDGE Open Sun 1-3.

108 S. Penn Ave. Charming Single home loc on a huge lot. The home features a formal DR, LR, Kit, full Ba & 2 BRs on the 1st flr along w-floored attic (which can be used as an extra BR), full bsmt w-outside entrance. All this for just $124,900. Call John R. Gardner, RE-MAX Action Realty for details & directions 215-443-2750


One floor rancher. 3 BRS, EIK, corner lot. C/A. Near train & shopping. $98,900 COLDWELL BANKER POQUESSING, 215-659-6200


3 BR, 2-1/2 ba. bi-level, 8 yrs. old, fin. bsmt/FR, above ground pool, 12x10 shed. Like new, freshly painted. $160,000 By Owner. 610-948-4562 before 4pm

RYDAL Open Sun 2-4. 1529

Noble Road. Gorgeous inside and out. 3 BR, 2 BA Brick Cape. Formal LR, DR, FamRm, gas heat, bssmt, gar. Only $239,000. RE-MAX Action, Bob Gordon 443-3397


$94,000. 3 BR, just remodeled, new heat & elec, new stove, full bsmt, gar, front/back porch & yards. Across from park & fishing. 215-257-4457.


A Great buy at $144,000 4 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs, FR w-fpl, deck off DR, covered patio, plus Bonus Rm. Call Matt at 215-393-1148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


New Construction at "Central Park." $141,900 Only 5 sites left to be built. Don't miss out. 3 models. The Concord w-3 BRs, 1-1/2 BAs, gas heat, CA, garage & fpl. Call Matt at 215-393-1148 or Marti at 215-393-1141, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Cheaper than rent! 3 lge BRs, 1st flr FR, bsmt & yard. $119,900 McCARTHY REALTORS 215-887-2100


Schools Just reduced! Mingo Village bilevel, 4Br, 2-1/2Ba, 1car gar. lower level fr, new roof, new heat & new CA + 1yr warr. Asking $137,500. Ask for Paul Roberto. Weichert Realtors 610-277-6338


742 Mancill Rd. Tredyffrin Twp. $415,000. Sale by original owner. 35 yr old Colonial. Center Hall w-brick entry. LR & FamRm w-frpls, DR, new granite E-I-Kit w-garden window. 4 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs, 40ft fin bsmt (2 rooms) w-outside entrance & windows. Hardwood flrs, step up attic, floored for storage, new 2 zoned central air, 3/4 acre lot, professionally landscaped. Large covered brick patio, 2 car garage, security system, invisible fence . Inquire 610-688-8435


Ranch, 3 BRs, 1 BA, gar, nice lot, great loc, great starter home, warr, low down $, low mo expenses. Only $114,900 Call Greg Clemens, Realty Executives 215-997-0444


Carefree Life Style. $77,900 2 BR, 2 BA 1st flr Condo at Timber Creek. Pool, covered patio, CA, gas heat. Call Matt 215-393-1148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


- Arrowhead, end unit townhouse, 3 BR, 2-1/2 BA, frpl, part fin bsmt, move in cond. $124,900. Call Bruce Hengey, RE-MAX Services, Inc., 215-641-6283


New Colonial. Open Sun. 1-4pm. Only $169,700 Dir: S. on Ft Wash Ave, L. on Highland, R. on Madison to #409. Fonthill Corp. 215-657-6344

Upper Dublin

NEW- $400K+ Jarret Ridge: 6 cust. homes, only 2 remaining. HURRY! Forest Creek: cul-de-sac, 5 wooded home sites, with bridge over Tannery Creek. Call direct John Eichenlaub Qlty Custm Builder 646-4976


Stuart Creek Farms Twnhse. 2BR 1-1/2Ba, Fireplace, bsmt. $126,900. Call 215-542-8096


Willowmere, Olde Philadelphia style brick twnhse, 3rd floor, loft w/skylights, finished lower level, great pond view. $229,900 PRUDENTIAL PREFERRED PROPERTIES Bonnie Kroll 215-643-5510


Nothing more for a pool! Remarkable Sugar Valley 4-5 BR home, nearly 3000 sq ft, offers a guest suite plus a "pool" for just $152,500. Call Mitch at 215-393-1158 CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


$315,000 Estate Home - MBR suite w-sitting rom & fpl, lge main bath w-Roman tub, stall shower & skylights. 3-car garage, pool & spa. Full bsmt & all the extras! Call Matt 215-309301148, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade.


Sun 1-4. Split Level. 569 Crossfield Rd. Beautiful updated home, new roof, new windows, new kit & new BA. 4 BRs, 2-1/2 BAs, LR w-stone frpl, DR, lge FamRm, laundry rm, rear deck, 1 car gar, Conv location. $184,900. Nicholas A. Salamone RE, 610-825-9220


Brk frt Ranch newly decorated. H/W flrs, 3 BRs, 1-1/2 BAs, bsmt, $124,900. 215-884-1648


Hit the ignition button! It's easy to start home ownership in this 2 BR, 1-1/2 BA townhouse. Immac cond w-new DW & GD. End unit & easy access to transp. Stop renting! Call Rita Spinosa at 215-443-2759, RE-MAX ACTION.


Look at this 2 BR townhouse priced at only $59,900 Includes W/D & refrig! Bargain! Call Shirley or Perry 215-443-2744, REMAX ACTION.


New List! Single Ranch located in higher $$$ home area. Quick sale needed! $77,800 John Weinrich, 215-517-1786, QUINN & WILSON R.E., 215-885-7600


Sun 2-4. 218 Allison Rd. Stately 3 BR Colonial w/ maint. free ext. on beautiful grounds. Addition rental building w/apt on premises. $174,900. Dir: From Willow Grove N. on 611 Left on Allison. Century 21 Huntoon 215-659-5250


Sun 1-4 . 185 Greyhorse Rd. Newly listed Single with great floorplan. Completely remodeled, 5 BR, 2-1/2 BAs, newer cherry Kit, newer roof, siding, windows, deck, garage, FamRm & more. All the work's been done for you! $179,900. DIR: Terwood to Greyhorse to #185 past Cowbell. C all Beth McNulty, 443-2717 RE-MAX Action


Splendid 4 BR, 2-1/2 BA Col in great area. FamRm, gar, 12x22 deck. $149,900. Call Phyllis Potterton, RE-MAX Services, Inc., 215-641-2511


Super 3 BR, 2-1/2 BA Split wbsmt, fpl. New: kit, heater & CA. $164,900 Gorgeous 3 BR, 2-sty house, redecorated, bsmt, garage. New: kit, windows, doors, roof. Prudential Felte Real Estate, Ask for Norma Moore, 215-784-4763.


Twnh 2 BR, 1.5 BA, LR, E-I-Kit, laundry room, newer appliances, brand new C-A w-5 yr warranty. If serious buyer, financially qualified & can close in 90 days, steal this around 69,500. 215-657-7746


Well maint. 4Br, 2-1/2Ba Col. on cul-de-sac, 2 car gar, bsmt, lg sunrm, ingrnd pool, C/A, conv. location. Ask for Barbara Wright. Asking $239,900. Weichert Rltrs 610-277- 6338


2 sty, 2 BR home, only $54,900. Qualified buyers may only need $3,100. Call Mike Gillis, at RE-MAX Assoc for details & an appt 215-441-4710 x 138.


A Mission to Mars! That's how far you'd have to go to discover a buy as good as this stunning remodeled 2 BR, 1.5 BA condo w-new bleached oak kit, new carpet & new heater. Call Shirley Voelker 215-443-2744, REMAX ACTION.


At only $67,500 this townhome condo is a steal! Compare its setting, brick construction, condition & price to anything in the area. Wooded setting completes the package. Call Mitch, CENTURY 21 Grosse & Quade, 215-393-1158


New Homes by LaRosa 3 BR, 2 BA Ranch w-full bsmt, H/A w/CA, all improvements. $144,900 BUXMONT REALTY 215-659-5555, 215-659-5523


New Homes by LaRosa 3 BR, 2 BA Ranch w-full bsmt, H/A w-CA, 2-car garage, all improvements. $171,750 BUXMONT REALTY 215-659-5555, 215-659-5523


1-4. 107 Stenton Rd . Serenity in this wooded hideway on 2 acres of natural beauty. 3 BR w-main sitting rm, jacuzzi bath & balcony, 2 & 2/2 baths, 9 yr old Col home, 3 car gar, fin bsmt & large E-I-Kit & Much More! $367,500. Dir: From Butler & Stenton Rd East on Stenton towards Chestnut Hill. Call Peter Kullberg, RE-MAX Services, Inc., 215-641-560 7


Townhome. Great cond & area for this 2Br, 2-1/2Ba home feat. new roof, gas heat w-C/A & greatrm w-FP. 1yr warr. Call before its gone. Asking $119,900. Ask for Paul Roberto, Weichert Realtors, 610-277-6338


2834 Old Welsh Rd. - Convenient to shops & transp. Priced to sell $119,900. Call 215-646-4976


Modern comforts-This 2 BR, 1.1BA home is close to shopping & public transp. You may be able to own at rental prices. $88,750 COLDWELL BANKER POQUESSING, 215-659-6200.


Split Level in Huntingdon Dales, meticulously kept inside & out featuring LR, DR, FR, kit, 3 BRs, 1.5 BAs, garage, CA. In absolute move-in condition. $135,000 Miller & Cornell 215-675-1627


New Custom Homes 22 lge scenic lots, public utils. Near Routes 363 & 73. Lots from $190,000 Homes from $550,000 Call Maryann Brophy Vesterra Corporation 215-641-9360, ext 130


New custom Colonial, Fawn Creek. 5 BRs, 3-1/2 BAs, 3-car gar. $575,000 Sweeney Builders 215-643-9796, 215-641-2560

WORCESTER. $185,000

Charming 2100 sq ft 3 BR, 1 BA Rancher w-to-die-for backyard. LR w-brick fpl, EIK, fin bsmt, screened porch wskylights, newer roof, heater & CA. Freshly painted. A 10! Bonnie Kroll, 215-643-5510, The Prudential Preferred Properties.


Expanded Ranch gives you lots of space for little money. 4 BRs, 2 BAs, FR & rec rm, CA. Seller will assist w-buyer's closing costs. $142,900 NANCY KEELEY REALTORS, 215-233-3434.


2-4pm. 1513 Willow Grove Ave. Expanded & renovated. It looks & feels like new. Features incl main BR w-cathedral ceilings, 4 lge BRs, 2 full BAs, gourmet kit, FamRm, frpl, gas heat, C-A, 1 car gar, new siding, windows & roof. Just reduced! $164,000. Call Al Cianfarini, RE-MAX Action, 443-2714


Roomy custom-built Ranch, LR & DR w-cathedral ceilings. 4 BRs, 2.5 BAs, FR w-fpl, bsmt w-oe, CA, 2-car garage. $199,900 NANCY KEELEY REALTORS, 215-233-3434.


This stone & stucco Ranch has a huge bsmt as well as 3 Brs, 2 full BAs, formal DR, pretty hw flrs, garage & CA. Immaculate cond. $142,000 NANCY KEELEY REALTORS, 215-233-3434. Residential and commercial real estate in the Greater Philadelphia Region. Please visit AllRealEstate.Com.


for a home in Montgomery or Bucks County,