

September 17, 1997
Valley Forge Convention Center
1200 First Avenue
King Of Prussia, PA

Participate in JOB FAIR '97 and interview with representatives from manufacturing, retail, financial services, communications, high-tech and more!

Participating Companies Include:

Accupac					Officeteam
American Airlines, Inc.			Olsten Staffing Services
American Express			Penn State University Great Valley
Ames/Placers, Inc.			The Peoples Network (TPN)
Chorus Communications			Progress Bank
Comcast Cellular Communications, Inc.	Prudential
Contemporary Staffing Solutions		QVC
ECC Management Services			Robert Half and Accountemps
Genuardi's Family Markets		Sears
IMI Systems, Inc.			Septa
Lonza, Inc.				Starview Communications
Manpower Temporary Services		Strawbridge's
Marriott Corporate Services		Super G
McCallion Staffing Specialists		Todays Temporary
Mellon PSFS				U.S. Marine Corps
MetLife					US Air
Metropolitan Personnel

....more to come

Take advantage of this unique one-day event.

Interview with the companies that hold the key to your future!

September 17, 1997
Valley Forge Convention Center
1200 First Avenue
King Of Prussia, PA

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