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Selected Works (Click on the thumbnail for larger photo)

Title: Damaged Rabbit (Good-bye Chrissy)
Size: 17" x 20.5"
Date: 2001
Medium: Digitally mastered photomontage |

Title: Trouble Brews in the Empire of Distraction
Size: 28.5" x 37"
Date: 2002
Medium: Digitally mastered photomontage |
It's our world, we have to live in it, nobody else can. So why not make
the best out of a bad situation? Our society is fat and slow and cold and
I love it. I love the constant assault of senseless imagery, and I
do not cry like so many but am a well wisher of it. The fact that I will
never be able to decipher the images that assault me every day doesnąt
torment me but is actually a strange, cold comfort.