Class Reunions


Dobbins A.V.T. 1956. 342-4984.

Dobbins VocTech 1966-1967. Nov. 1. 473-0355.


Edison/Fareira 1987. 324-9440. Edmunds 1945. 675-8986 or 675-7295

Edmunds 1948. 945-3931 or 942-0636.


Frankford Jan. 1948. 673-0660, 725-5951 or 822-2745.

Frankford June 1957. Nov. 29. 672-3523.

Frankford June 1967. Nov. 28. 333-7731 or 609-829-7815.

Frankford 1977. Oct. 11. 288-1262.

Frankford 1982. Oct. 24. 331-6851.

Frankford 1986. 831-1775 or 947-2729.


Germantown 1953. 675-4818.

Germantown 1963. 675-4818.

Gratz 1947. Oct. 25. 332-3316.

Gratz 1951. 493-5201.


Hallahan 1948. 334-2997 or 331-8464.

Hallahan 1987. Oct. 17. 739-7215 or 426-9332.

Hallahan 1972. Oct. 24. 291-0378.


Immaculate Conception 1947. Oct. 19. 675-2462.

Incarnation of Our Lord 1974. 464-5712 or 333-2893.


Kensington June 1948. Write Evelyn Ruth Paul, 1942 E. Birch St., Phila. PA 19134.


Lincoln June 1951-1952. Nov. 28. 335-2491.

Lincoln 1967. Nov. 7. 745-2746.

Little Flower 1987. Oct. 17. 289-8158.

Little Flower 1992. Oct. 24. 533-9923.


Mastbaum 1946. Write P.O. Box 14799, Phila. Pa. 19134

Mastbaum Jan/June 1957. Oct. 18. 744-3729.

Mastbaum 1967. 338-8916.


Nativity B.V.M. 1946. 743-6042 or 232-8123.

Nativity B.V.M. 1947. 332-3633.

Nativity B.V.M. 1987. 246-3983 or 425-1333.

Nazareth Academy 1964. 333-9378.

Northeast 1962. 429-3901.

Northeast 1977. Nov. 28. 1-800-677-7800.

Northeast 1978. 609-778-1560.

Northeast 1992. 728-5076.


Olney June 1948. May 3, 1998. 742-4569 or 725-7170.

Olney 1976. 549-7719 or 610-834-7721.

Our Lady of Holy Souls 1946. 535-0137.


St. Ambrose 1945. 728-1138 or 725-1580.

St. Ambrose 1951. 722-0599 or 288-1589.

St. Ambrose 1977. 663-8625.

St. Bernard 1954. 637-9312.

St. Bernard 1965. 637-8660.

St. Bernard 1973. 332-2228 or 333-0750.

St. Dominic 1946. 673-4386.

St. Edmund 1947. 543-7057

St. Edward 1940. 953-9132 or 335-1834.

St. Francis of Assisi 1948. 628-3086.

St. Francis Xavier 1947. 969-7879.

St. Helena 1944. 675-2024 or 646-1849.

St. Hubert 1952. 333-9357.

St. Hubert 1961. 637-5733.

St. Hubert 1972. Oct. 17. 338-4321.

St. Hubert 1987. Oct. 24. 624-6840.

St. James 1943. 632-1482

St. Jerome 1973. 333-1301

St. John Cantius 1947. Nov. 1. 533-6493 or 535-5683.

St. Ludwig 1945 and 1946. 969-6968.

St. Vincent's (Germantown) 1954. 698-8049.

South Phila. 1938. 673-3494 or 677-8979.


W.B. Saul 1977. Oct. 17. 289-4463.

Walton Elementary 1950 thru 1954. 663-0622.

Walton Elementary-all classes. 609-424-3266.

Washington 1972. Nov. 29. 741-0462 or 674-5802.Washington 1977. Nov 29. 1-800-677 7800.

Washington 1987. 1-800-677-7800.

West Phila. 1948. 732-2864.

(Having a reunion? Why aren't you listed here!? It's free and it's easy! Write 1612 Margaret St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19124, or fax at 215-533-0566).

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