
DATEBOOK: Upcoming events in your community


Oct. 26--Adath Tikvah-Montefiore, Hoffnagle St. and Summerdale Ave. Artwork by Heisman Fine Arts Gallery. Wine and cheese preview 7:30 P.M.; auction 8 P.M. $5 742-9191.


Oct. 11--Juniata Park Older Adult Center, 1251 E. Sedgley Ave., 11-3 P.M. 685-1490.

Oct. 20--Temple Menorah-Keneseth Chai, 4301 Tyson Ave., 7 P.M. $4 pp., includes lap card and refreshments. 677-7986 or 612-9093.

Oct. 21--Catholic Daughters of the Americas (Court St. Martin of Tours No. 1792) in school gym on Oxford Circle, 7 P.M. $5 pp.

Oct. 28--Hadassah-Shalom Tamid Group at Wong's Gourmet Restaurant in Grant Plaza, 6:30 P.M. $20, includes dinner, 2 bingo cards. 745-2919.

Oct. 30--55+ Singles Jewish Women's International, dinner bingo at Ilona Keller Dugan's Restaurant, 7900 Roosevelt Blvd. 6 P.M. 477-5073.

Every Tu--Far Northeast Senior Citizens Center, Southampton and Townsend Rds., 12:30 P.M. 673-7734.

Every Th--Beth Tefilath Israel, 2605 Welsh Rd., 7 PM, 969-9564 or 464-1242.

Every Third Th--American Legion Auxiliary William D. Oxley Unit, 4637 Decatur St. Bingo and card party. Lunch at 11:30 A.M., game at noon. 332-2457.


Oct. 4--Friends of Fox Chase Library, Rhawn and Jeanes sts., 9:30-3 P.M. 685-0547.


(See Flea Markets, too)

Oct. 7--Sisterhood of Temple Sholom general meeting at Roosevelt Blvd. and Large St., 7:30 P.M. 289-7600.

Oct. 9--Non-Penny Party at St. Bart's McMahon Hall, Harbison and Cheltenham aves., 8 P.M. $4 pp. 533-4095.

Oct. 11--Roast Beef Dinner at Disston Memorial Presbyterian Church, Tyson Ave. and Glenloch St., 5-7 P.M. Adults $7; children $3. 332-2171.

Oct. 12--Homecoming at St. Martin of Tours, 5450 Roosevelt Blvd., 12:45 P.M. Mass; reunion in school hall. 535-2962. Oct. 14--Speaker Ken Stein on "Bubba Meinses and Superstitions" at Sisterhood of Shaare Shamayim-Beth Judah, 9768 Verree Rd., 8 P.M.

Oct. 18--Oyster/Ham Dinner at Trinity Church Oxford, 6901 Rising Sun Ave., 4-8 P.M. $9 adults, $5 students, $3 children. 745-6114.

Oct. 18--Penny Party at Tacony United Methodist Church, Longshore and Hegerman sts., 2 P.M. $2.50 pp., includes soft drink and dessert.

Oct. 25--Mystery dinner theatre at Trinity United Methodist Church, Castor and Tyson aves., 6:30 P.M. Donation $12.50. 745-4428.

Nov. 11--A book review at Beth Tefilath Israel-Rodeph Zedek, 2605 Welsh Rd., noon. "The Invisible Thread" reviewed by Gerri Richmond. $8.50 pp., includes lunch. 677-2253 or 76-3541.


Oct. 5--Northeast Singles Club at Knights of Columbus Hall, Knorr St. and Rowland Ave., 7:30-11 P.M. 742-2362.

Oct. 17-19--"Good News," a musical, at Nazareth Academy, 4001 Grant Ave. F and Sa 7:30; Su 2 P.M. & 7 P.M. $8 pp.

(Oct. 15 performance for seniors only, 7 P.M. $4 pp.) 637- 7878.

Nov. 1-- Kensington High School Alumni Assoc. luncheon at Williamson's Restaurant, Rt. 611, Horsham. 12:30 P.M. 426-2958.

Nov. 8-- Marilyn Fein Chapter of Fox Chase Cancer, 50s dance at the Buck Hotel, 1200 Buck Rd., Feasterville. 9 P.M.-1 A.M. $18 pp. 969-3398.


Oct. 3 & 4--Disston Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4500 Tyson Ave. Both days starting at 9 A.M. 332-2171.

Oct. 4--Rockledge Volunteer Fire Co., inside Rockledge Fire House, 505 Huntington Pike. Call for times: 379-8373.

Oct. 4--St. Matthew's School, Cottman Ave. and Hawthorne St., 9:30-3:30. 333-3142.

Oct. 4--St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 9169 Academy Rd. 9-3 P.M. 332-7424.

Oct. 4--Trinity United Methodist Church, Castor and Tyson aves., 10-2 P.M. 745-4428.

Oct. 4--Frankford Falcon Town Watch, 4200 Torresdale Ave., 8-2 P.M. 744-3332.

Oct. 4--St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, Cottman and Central aves., 9-2 P.M. 725-1841.

Oct. 4--All Saints Church, 1811 Loney St., 9-2 P.M. 673-0299.

Oct. 5--Father Judge High School, 3301 Solly Ave., 9:30- 3:30 P.M. 335-2692.

Oct. 10 & 11--Holy Innocents St. Paul's Church, Torresdale and Tyson aves. F noon-4; Sa 10-2 P.M. 624-1144.

Oct. 11--St. Dominic's Church at Marian Hall, 8532 Frankford Ave., 8-3 P.M. 335-4759.

Oct. 11--Trinitarian Sisters, 3501 Solly Ave., 9-3 P.M. 335-0182.

Oct. 11--Court Rose Cecelia, Catholic Daughters of the Americas at Holy Innocents Church, Hunting Park Ave., Juniata, 9-3 P.M. 744-7427.

Oct. 11--Torresdale Boys Club, 4500 Linden Ave., 9-4 P.M. 677-7812.

Oct. 12--Archbishop Ryan High School, 11201 Academy Rd. Call for time: 639-0917.

Oct. 12--Holy Family College, Frankford Ave. and Stevenson Ln., in the parking lot, 8-2 P.M. 637-2603.

Oct. 18--St Petri Lutheran Church, 6820 Jackson St., 9-2 P.M. 335-1163.

Oct. 18--Welsh Road Library, Welsh Rd. and Roosevelt Blvd., Call for times: 685-0948.

Oct. 18--Knights of Columbus (Mother Anna Dengel Council No. 7925) at St. Albert the Great Church, 212 Welsh Rd., 8-3 P.M. 947-0414.

Oct. 18--Pollock Elementary School, 2875 Welsh Rd., 9-3 P.M. 464-6715.

Oct. 19--Phila. County Council Ladies Auxiliary Jewish War Veterans of U.S. at Faulkner Olds, Bustleton and Haldeman aves., 9:30-3:30 P.M. 637-0932.

Oct. 25--Holy Spirit Church, Loretto Ave. and Robbins St., 9-2 P.M. 288-2766.

Oct. 28--St. Timothy's School, Levick and Hawthorne sts., 8-3 P.M.

Nov. 2--Philadelphia Quartett Club, 1075 Southampton Rd., 10-3:30 P.M. 673-5836 or 357-8188 bet. 3-6 P.M.

Nov. 8--St. Matthew's CDA in school hall, Battersby and Hawthorne sts. 9-3 P.M. 331-4577.

Nov. 8--Friendly Neighbors of Pennypack Woods, 8724 Crispin St., 10-3 P.M. 338-1733.

Nov. 15--All Saints Church, 1811 Loney St., 10-1:30 P.M. 342-6310.

Nov. 16--Oxford Circle Jewish Community Center-B'rith Israel, 1009 Unruh Ave., 10-3 P.M. 725-2097.

Nov. 22--Somerton United Methodist Church, 13073 Bustleton Ave., 8-3 P.M. 548-5599.

Nov. 22--Wissinoming United Methodist Church, Comly and Jackson sts., 10-4 P.M. 288-9192.

Nov. 23--Beth Emeth-N'nai Yitzhok, Bustleton and Unruh aves., 9:30-4 P.M. 725-9255 or 464-0174.

Until Nov. 29-- Bensalem Lions Club at Neil A. Armstrong Middle School, Street Road, Bensalem, 7-2 P.M. 633-3655.

Dec. 6-- Frankford/Northwood Girl Scouts at Frankford Memorial United Methodist Church, 1300 Dyre St. 742-9631.


Oct. 29--Friends of Katharine Drexel Library, Knights and Fairdale rds., presents "Royal Goodies Recipe" at 7 P.M. Call 685-9383.


Oct. 7--The Couples Club (45-65) at JCC Klein Branch, Red Lion and Jamison Rds., 7:30 P.M.

Oct. 8--Women's Club of Frankford at St. James Lutheran Church, Castor Ave. and Pratt St., noon.

Oct. 14--Jewish Women's International (B.L. Leventhal- Lynnewood) at Einstein One, 7 P.M. 745-2436.

Oct. 15--National Association of Retired Federal Employees (Chapter 1301) at Rhawnhurst Recreation Center, Bustleton and Solly aves., 12:45 P.M. 342-5015.

Oct. 21-- JCC Camera Club of Philadelphia at JCC Klein Branch, Red Lion and Jamison rds. Topic: Photo journalism. 7:30 P.M. 934-6195.

55-plus Single Friends Club, JCC David G. Neuman Senior Center, 6600 Bustleton Ave., every 3rd W 7 P.M. 342-2626.

AARP Far N.E. Chapter, Frankford Hospital, Torresdale campus, Knights and Red Lion rds, Conference Room 2. 1 P.M. 331-8464.

Arsenal Toastmaster Club, Kelli's Restaurant, Cheltenham and Erdrick sts, 2nd and 4th Tu ea mo. 7 to 9:30 P.M. Pager 452-9888.

The Compassionate Friends, Inc., Einstein Center One, 9880 Bustleton Ave., 3rd M, 7 P.M. 742-5167.

The Couples Club (ages 45-65), JCCS Klein Branch, Red Lion and Jamison Rds., 1st Tu. 7:30 P.M. 745-1511.

Crafty Ladies, Redemption Lutheran Church, 8001 Bustleton Ave. Tu 1:30-3:30 P.M. 745-4348.

Delaware Valley Sears Retirees Club, Great Goody's Buffet, 11000 Roosevelt Blvd., every 3rd W of every other mo, 11:30 A.M. 752-0736 or 281-7785.

East Torresdale Civic Association, Columbia Yacht Club, 9201 N. Delaware Ave. (at Linden), second M, 7 P.M. 632- 3854.

Far Northeast Chapter AARP, Frankford Hospital, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion Rds., last M, 1 P.M. 632-2791 or 632-2559.

Father Judge High School Alumni, 3301 Solly Ave., 2nd T 8 PM, 335-3666.

Frankford Lions Club, 2nd & 4th Tu at Frankford Hospital, Frankford Campus, Frankford Ave. and Wakeling St., 12:15 P.M. $5. 744-1575.

Frankford Rotary Club, every Th at Chateau Caterers, Bridge St. and Harbison Ave., noon. $9. Prospective members welcome.

Friends of Bustleton Ave. Library, Bustleton Ave. and Verree Rd., 2nd W, 7:30 P.M. $5 pp., $10 /family. 673-8137.

Friends of Summerdale Civic Assn., Houseman Recreation Center, 5041 Summerdale Ave., every 3rd Th, 7:30 P.M. 288- 6179 or 533-2879.

Friends Hospital Garden Club, every 3rd W in greenhouse on hospital grounds, Roosevelt Blvd. and Adams Ave., 7 P.M. 288-0257.

Handicrafters, All Saints Church, 1811 Loney St., Tu 7:30 P.M. 745-9596 or 742-2805. Harmonie Singing Society, All Saints Church, 1811 Loney St., Tu 7:30 P.M. 745-9596 or 742-2805.

Just Singles, every Sa at Michael's Restaurant, 3340 Street Rd., Bensalem, 9 A.M. 586-4514 or 639-1009.

Keepers Fishing Club, every 3rd Th, St. James Church, Castor and Pratt. 7 P.M. 743-1828.

Mater Dolorosa On The Go Seniors, Wissinoming Presbyterian Church, Torresdale Ave. and Howell St., every W at noon.

Mayfair Business Assoc., Mayfair Primitive Methodist Church, 7501 Frankford Ave. 1st T of the month. 6-7 P.M. 624-4455.

Mayfair Optimist Club, Valentino's Restaurant, Bustleton Ave. and Stanwood St., 2nd & 4th Th noon. Prospective members welcome. 338-1000.

Mayfair Senior Citizens Club, Mayfair Presbyterian Church, Tudor and Crispin sts., 3rd Th, 11:30 AM. 610-539- 9150.

Northwood Civic Association, St. James Church, Castor Ave. and Pratt St., 3rd Tu, 7:30 P.M. 686-7147.

Philadelphia's First Toastmaster, 2nd and 4th W at Valentino's Restaurant, 8026 Bustleton Ave. 7 P.M. 333- 2348.

Pizazza 55-and-over Group, Campbell AME Church, 1657 Kinsey St., every other Tu 2 P.M. 226-3450.

Sounds of Liberty Barbershop Harmony Chorus, Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6500 Tabor Rd., every Tu 7:30 P.M. 676-2818.

St. Peter's Seniors, 6816 Jackson St., Tu, noon-4 PM.

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