Banquet set to honor sports stars
13th Annual News Gleaner-Rotary affair May 20
For the 13th consecutive year, the Northeast News Gleaner and the Rotary Club of Frankford will honor some of the area's most outstanding athletes and coaches. A banquet in their honor is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 at the Chateau Caterers, Bridge St. and Harbison Ave., 6 P.M.
Award winners are entitled to a complementary ticket. Additional tickets are $16 each, and reservations must be made immediately by calling 535-4274.
If your name appears in this article (or if you know a person listed), please call 535-4274 to make your reservation now.
The 1997-98 award winners are:
Male Athlete of the Year: Kris Dufner of Father Judge High School; Female Athlete of the Year: Therese Sheerin of Frankford High School; Unsung Hero of the Year: Faye Miller of Little Flower High School; Sportsmanship Award: Jamey Mendez of Northeast Catholic High School; Most Courageous Athlete of the Year: Joe Devine of Father Judge; and Scholar Athlete of the Year: Joe Mahoney, also of Father Judge.
Public League Football Player of the Year: Eddie Gaskins of Frankford; Catholic League Football Player of the Year: Jim Casey of Father Judge; Football Coach of the Year: Glen Galeone of Archbishop Ryan High School.
Public League Boys Basketball Player of the Year: Wykeen Kelly of Abraham Lincoln High School; Catholic League Boys Basketball Player of the Year: Jim Reeves of Father Judge; Boys Basketball Coach of the Year: Steve Gittleman of Lincoln.
Public League Girls Basketball Player of the Year: Stephanie Riddle of Northeast High School; Catholic League Girls Basketball Player of the Year: Amy Snell of Nazareth Academy; Girls Basketball Coach of the Year: Sue Sebold of St. Hubert's High School.
Public League Boys Soccer Player of the Year: Matt Gamble of George Washington High School; Catholic League Boys Soccer Player of the Year: Tony Rod of North Catholic; Boys Soccer Coach of the Year: Al Piano of Washington.
Catholic League Girls Soccer Player of the Year: Darci Borski of Nazareth Academy; Girls Soccer Coach of the Year: Shawn Schneider, also of Nazareth Academy.
Public League Wrestler of the Year: Chris Vicente of Frankford; Catholc League Wrestler of the Year: Elvin DeJesus of North Catholic; Wrestling Coach of the Year: Bill Hunter of North Catholic.
Public League Field Hockey Player of the Year: Therese Sheerin of Frankford; Catholic League Field Hockey Player of the Year: Nicole Damino of St. Hubert's; Field Hockey Coach of the Year: Christine Minutella, also of St. Hubert's.
Men's Small College Player of the Year: Erik Henryson of Holy Family College; and Women's Small College Player of the Year: Kim Burski, also of Holy Family.
Public League Softball Player of the Year: Colleen Miller of Lincoln; Catholic League Softball Player of the Year: Jackie Sinni of Archbishop Ryan.
The Softball Coach of the Year has not yet been chosen.
The Public and Catholic Leagues' Baseball Players of the Year, as well as Manager of the Year, will also be announced shortly. 

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