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News Gleaner Classified Ad Form

To place an ad you may complete the ad submission
form below or call us directly at (215) 535-4274

Classified Line Advertising Rates

Real Estate/Help Wanted: 1 Week - 10 words for $9, 50¢ a word thereafter 4 Week Special - 10 words for $22.50, $1 a word thereafter

Services: 1 Week - 15 words for $9, 40¢ a word thereafter

For Sale Ads (no real estate please): 1 Week - 15 words for $9, 40¢ a word thereafter 4 Week Special - 15 words for $9, 40¢ a word thereafter

Line ads must be prepaid
Call us for pricing on display advertising
Deadlines for line ads are Monday at 1 P.M.

Company Name (if applicable):

Contact Name:

Phone Number:

Email address:
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code

Have you placed an ad with us before?


Ad Catagory (i.e. RE For Sale):
Ad Copy:
How many weeks due you want the ad to run?

Four/Four Week Special

Do you want your ad to appear on our website for our promotional rate of $2 a week?


Comments/Special Instructions

Someone from our office will contact you to verify ad price and arrange payment.
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