Irish Genealogy,hosted
by Ireland's Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport has
added a large number of new church records of baptism,
marriage and death to their free Web site. This brings the
total to over 2 million church records from
Dublin City and counties Kerry and Carlow, plus a subset
from Roman Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Cork &
Ross. These records include transcriptions and, in many
cases, digitized images of the original records (though
these are not yet available for all online records) taken
from Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland parishes, as
well as a small number of Presbyterian records relating to
a congregation in Lucan. Best of all, these Irish church
records can be accessed online completely free of charge.
Project work is ongoing to complete the computerization and digitization of the remaining Roman Catholic records for Dublin City and the Diocese of Cork and Ross, which encompasses Cork City and all of the parishes in West Cork. The intent is to have the rest of the project completed and available online by the end of 2010.
View the church records online for free at Irish Genealogy, learn more about how to research your Irish ancestors, or view more Irish genealogy databases in 15 Web Sites for Researching Irish Ancestors.