The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill's "Members For Rational Thinking"

A case study.

Some members of this church are seeking to develop a prudent security and privacy policy for Internet and computer usage. If you can help, please respond below:

As members of the church, we wanted to know:

  1. if our children's private information was in a computer database
  2. is the computer database on a computer that is connected to the Internet
  3. if so, why?
  4. and, who is responsible for the security of the database?

To date, our questions have not been satisfactorily answered. Even more discouraging is the manner in which this matter has been handled. Please contribute your thoughts.

We encourage members of the church and the viewing public to help us in our endeavors. Please feel free to contact us.

Your Name

E-mail Address

Phone Number

Street Address

State & Zip Code

Religious Affiliation

Please enter your comments and questions here:

Privacy & Security Policy
Click the submit button to send your request. Before you submit any information, please remember: you need not give us any information. If you do give us information, you do not need to fill in all the fields. Any information that you do supply, will not knowingly be released until authorized to do so by you.

Thank you.

Case Study

This case study hopes to examine the moral and ethical behavior of church staff. During the past few years, several instances have occurred that appear to be a pattern of unethical behavior:
  1. The dismissal and death of former Associate Minister, Tripp.
  2. The covert mortgage for the Mander Organ.
  3. The unnecessary endangerment of members' privacy/security through an imprudent computer policy.

Membership has left the church over these issues. We hope to help prevent the departure of more members.

Phase 1

Phase 1 of the case study will focus on the Internet security policy and related issues.

  1. Risk, Privacy and Security
    1. Why put the children at risk?
    2. Who is responsible?
  2. Morals & Ethics of Church Staff
    1. Lying
    2. Misappropriation Of Funds
    3. Endangerment Of Minors
    4. Conspiracy & Cover-ups
    5. Pornographic & Adult Related Issues
    6. Threats & Intimidation
    7. Violating the "Golden Rule"
  3. Freedom Of Speech & Religion
    1. Constitutional Rights
    2. Moral Duty